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 The advantage in african american children's Part 4
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Author Topic: The advantage in african american children's Part 4  (Read 715 times)
Daniel Franklin
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The advantage in african american children's Part 4
« Posted: October 02, 2007, 09:28:45 AM »

The added advantage in african american children's education...Computer Homeschooling (Part4)

Parents and friends in our third article we championed using computers to homeschool African American children and prepare them for a future where computers will have an impact on every part of our society. In the final part 4 article we will complete the series by stressing the importance of making sure your computers and broadband Internet connection is secure from the daily attack of hackers, viruses and thieves.. oh my!

Lions, tigers and bears in digital form are being unleashed on the Internet daily, if not almost hourly. Now most parents would get the idea that if it's that bad then why use the Internet at all. If you take a closer look at the educational environment today, there are lions, tigers and bears already out there in public and private schools waiting to take advantage of our african american children each and everyday. It's almost become a challenge to just stay alive, let alone avoid drugs, teen pregnancy and other ills.

The difference between the two learning arenas is that while they are at home learning you have more control protecting them and more tools to defend against whatever comes their way. It's far better to have a daily defense for your african american children's learning, then to wonder what's going on at their school.

Now, let's get to looking at viruses (lions), hackers (tigers) and thieves (bears) to keep out of your computer and your home. Virus software is as important to your computer and the network it's connected to as proper nutrition is to your children. Both help to defend against having a healthy computer/child becoming sick or worse.

Make sure your virus software is up-to-date and that your computer's operating system is updated constantly. Run your virus software daily, yes daily and check for updates daily to make sure the software has the latest tools to protect your computer. Viruses, worms and other bad software code is being released near hourly at times, so running your virus software everyday and keeping it updated is a must. Teach your children about viruses and what to do to keep your computers safe and virus free.

As an aid for reviewing the following links are available: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Spread the word so that friends can be able to motivate others in ending the digital divide in minority communities.

Members of our staff support african american computer homeschooling in their area and we have a slight favor to see computer homeschooling everywhere benefit from the advantages of a wireless network. We even have minority friends that work at major retailers in several states that are homeschooled and already have experienced having a wireless home.

Remember this subject is worthy of more than just one article and therefore is covered in a 4 part series. To receive notification of the publication of any updates to the series or similar articles email us at [email protected] or if you have an RSS reader click on this link -

Again we have to thank all our loyal readers and visitors, without your support the countless hours of being marathoned by the thought police to put this onto a page would not have been so worth it.

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About the Author


Daviyd Peterson: 10-year consultant, instructor, trainer Helps african american homeschools bridge the digital divide by becoming computer homeschools. Free article on "Computer Homeschooling" and other related articles



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