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 Checklist For Your Website
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Author Topic: Checklist For Your Website  (Read 2883 times)
Stephen Taylor
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Checklist For Your Website
« Posted: July 29, 2007, 01:04:06 PM »

This checklist has been designed to help you understand what you need for a great website. Your website is a place that others see what you do and read the testimonials on how great your product or service is. The testimonials provide third party proof you are the expert. Your website echoes your branding and if you are not consistent with you printed materials and your web prescence, your customers or potential customers will be confused. The checklist below will help you to streamline the message you are giving on the web.

What message are you giving on your website? (Is it the same message you give when you talk to potential business partners?)





What does your website provide in order to gather customer feedback?





List the companies that you are affiliated with – and mark those where you have listed their company or placed their logo on your site.





What free service or products can business obtain from your site?





If you have a newsletter, what is it’s focus?





What Tips and FAQs do you have on your website?





Does your company have a BLOG? ___________________________

What types of discussions do you feel would be good for your company BLOG?





List as many reasons as you can as to why a customer or potential customer would want to return to your website.





Bette Daoust, Ph.D. has been networking with others since leaving high school years ago. Realizing that no one really cared about what she did in life unless she had someone to tell and excite. She decided to find the best ways to get people’s attention, be creative in how she presented herself and products, getting people to know who she was, and being visible all the time. Her friends and colleagues have often dubbed her the “Networking Queen”. Blueprints for Success - Networking: 150 ways to promote yourself is the first in this series. Blueprints for Success Branding Yourself: Another 150 ways to promote yourself is planned for release in 2006. For more information visit


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