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 The Pressure To Rank High In The Search Engines Is Lessened
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Author Topic: The Pressure To Rank High In The Search Engines Is Lessened  (Read 2629 times)
Shawn Tracer
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The Pressure To Rank High In The Search Engines Is Lessened
« Posted: March 05, 2008, 10:59:46 AM »

The Pressure To Rank High In The Search Engines Is Lessened
 by: Rosemarie Bryan

The ultimate goal for any webmaster is getting quality traffic to their website and therefore customers. In the past web masters felt they had one choice and one choice only but to get placed in the top 10 position inorder to get traffic. Times have changed. They are now given more than one method to generate traffic to their web site. The pressure to rank high in the search engines is lessened.

With the great uprise of social bookmarking, blog and article directory sites, more and more webmasters are turning to these alternatives to get traffic. These sites have come as a relief to those who have struggled to gain a piece of the pie of the search engines without success. These social media sites without bias make it possible for any web master great or small to get traffic in as little as 24 hours unlike the search engines which can take months.

There are blog sites for just about any subject, and you can be assured that there are some that relate to your products and/or services. The true origin of the word "blog" found on the Book of Joe web site shows that Dr. Seuss actually created blogs. At first people thought the word "blog" came from the word "web-log". Some blog sites provide commentary or news on a particular subject while others function as a personal diary. Blog sites are great for generating traffic to your web site because you can express yourself in an interesting way that gets people to respond to your blog. You can simply sign up with a site such as Word Press and begin blogging away. You can even have your own blog site!

Article writing is a great marketing method. Depending on who you talk to you might just hear that it is the best marketing method to generate traffic to your web site. One thing for sure is that if you can provide people with some great information, sharing valuable tips that they can use right away, you will get your article read. Article writing plays a very active role in getting out there and finding people who are interested in what you are saying. Search Engine listings on the other hand wait for people to search your keywords inorder to find you. It's role is a passive one. You can get your article out there for thousands of people to see for free!

Social Bookmarking is another great method for generating traffic to your web site. Millions of people are using social bookmarking sites to find information. They have become so popular they are even considered to be a new type of search engine. If you are new to bookmarking sites, they allow you to store your bookmarks online and use tags to organize and remember your bookmarks. Tags are keywords chosen by you to remember the subject, name, category, etc. of an article or web site. Inorder to get social bookmarking to work for you, create quality content, tag it, and get other people to see your content and tag it themselves. This can do wonders of getting traffic to your web site.

Knowing that there are other methods of generating traffic to your web site other than being place in the top 10 of the search engines, have significantly lessen the pressure to rank high in the search engines.

About The Author
Rosemarie Bryan is an experienced web marketer who helps small online businesses get the best web marketing services at a fraction of the cost. Visit her web site at:


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