Leveraging 15 years experience in developing single-source publishing solutions, Mekon has designed the first XML publishing adaptor to enable Adobe FrameMaker users to utilise the powerful print pagination capabilities of FrameMaker and FrameMaker Server within DITA based XML publishing systems. See DITA XML Publishing
Users wishing to utilise the benefits of XML publishing and the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) standard can now, for the first time, use FrameMaker as the pagination engine to format output content as PDF within their system. Mekon has developed the adaptor in response to a growing recognition by technical publications departments of the benefits of using DITA's 'topic' based approach to enable effective content re-use and is being made available via the DITA Open Toolkit. [see
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=dita for more details].
"Using our knowledge of single-source publishing technology and standards such as DITA, we have helped to ensure technical publications departments can utilise a familiar and powerful application (FrameMaker) in their DITA publishing projects. This eliminates the need to invest in a separate pagination engine and helps to ensure that FrameMaker users can continue to leverage their existing investment in this most trusted of applications." Mark Poston, Senior Technical Consultant, Mekon.
The adaptor generalises specialised DITA XML content and applies class based formatting rules thereby removing the need for users to create new EDDs every time a new specialised element is required. Using FrameMaker templates, users can quickly and easily customise the format of their output documents. Mekon's contribution of the Adobe FrameMaker publishing adaptor to the DITA Open Toolkit has received an enthusiastic endorsement from other DITA vendors such as Blast Radius XMetaL. "The addition of a FrameMaker publishing adaptor to the Open Toolkit underscores the importance of the DITA standard to the technical communication community," said Robert Miller, Vice President of Marketing, Blast Radius XMetaL. "It simplifies the migration process for the many organizations that want to move their legacy content from FrameMaker to DITA, by allowing them to continue to use FrameMaker to publish their print deliverables." Blast Radius XMetaL, who assisted Mekon with the development of the adaptor, plans to demonstrate it at the public webinar " FrameMaker & XMetaL®: Combining the Best of Both Worlds", to be held Thursday, December 1st at 10am PST (seehttp://www.xmetal.com for details). Blast Radius, the Blast Radius logo, XMetaL Author, XMetaL Author DITA Edition, XMAX, XMetaL Reviewer, XMetaL Developer, and XMetaL Central are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blast Radius, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries in Canada, the U.S., and other countries.
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